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Transformational Bodywork
As a former martial artist and dancer I always appreciated vibrant health and a strong able body for my energetic performances.
Needless to say, I was devastated when I suffered a severe shoulder injury on stage.
I tore all my ligaments during an acrobatic sequence and I was taken to the hospital where it was determined that I needed surgery to reconnect my shoulder.
After 2 surgeries, much pain & frustration and 1.5 years of rehab I learned a variety of ways in which I could support the healing process of my body.
TAI CHI - QI GONG - PILATES and YOGA became my chosen “rehab”-modalities.
AND receiving special ENERGETIC HEALING TOUCH from of a blind healer over the course of the year became my initiation into the HEALING ARTS.
The way in which this man touched me felt truly magical and connected me with the energy fields in and around us - Thank You Mr Voss! - my curiosity for this special talent was ignited.
I embarked on a journey of discovery into the HEALING ARTS - it's been nearly 30 years - and the journey continues.
After so many certifications & trainings I created my own style of merging the various modalities into a powerful transformative healing experience for the body.
Each TRANSFORMATIONAL BODYWORK session is custom designed for YOU:
I combine Shiatsu, Deep Tissue massage, Structural Integration, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Reiki, Breathing and Sounds into a full body transformative experience to support YOUR PERSONAL HEALING PROCESS.
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